Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So I'm terrible at taking photos, but Zach and I had a great, relaxing weekend! The highlight of our weekend was going to Llano for our quarterly wine pickup party! This time we got a nice port and a really fresh white wine. We made friends with one of the winemakers and his girlfriend and will hopefully get together with them soon.

I also met a member of the Lubbock Junior Women's Club (for women under 45), and I am going as a guest to a style show they are having in a couple of weeks- yay! I am excited to make some good girl friends here in Lubbock. I do know a few people from my past here in town, but it's nice to branch out and make new friends too!

Zach and I also found our new favorite store in Lubbock- Gourmet Pantry. It is full of all kinds of kitchen devices. We even told the salesperson a thing or two about our Nespresso. We are becoming such foodies! It's a really fun hobby. I mean everyone has to eat! We also bought some Tyler candles to make our apartment smell nice. I just love all their scents.

I guess that's all for now!

Monday, May 21, 2012

My bad...

So I knew this would happen. It's been over a month since my last blog. I promise to do better! Here's the scoop-

Zach and I have been attending a wonderful weekly bible study with several couples from our church. We have made some really good friends, and I an going to start volunteering with the little kiddos! I'm so pumped.

I took a work trip to Orlando and was lucky enough to stay at the JW Marriott. I was bummed Zach wasn't there to share it with me, but it was a beautiful resort. I'd love to go back for a domestic vacation some day!

We also had a pool party at our apartment complex and met some really nice young couples. Hopefully they'll transpire into some good couple friends.

My plants continue to grow and I even had my first tomato harvest (shown below). It didn't yield much, but it still tasted good!

We saw our good friends Eric and Ashley this weekend and watched the eclipse. Zach cooked some yummy chicken on the grill

We are excited this weekend to go to our next wine club event at Llano and to see our good friends Brad and Stephanie on Friday! I sure wish we lived closer!!

I promise to have more frequent updates! PS- The AJ Jacobs book is a great read. I'll give a review when I'm done!