Sunday, July 1, 2012

Recap of Recent Endeavors

Zach just informed me that I'm sufficiently behind in my blogging, so here's a recap of what we've been up to.

Last Friday we drove to Amarillo after our good friends Brad and Stephanie had their first baby girl, Katy Jane. We visited for awhile with them (she is the cutest little baby you've ever seen!). We then went to Golden Light, where I had my first, long-awaited burger experience, and man it was good. We spent some time with Zach's parents and heard all about Brent's trip to Brazil. We went back to the hospital after dinner, and visited with Stephanie's family until we got kicked out by the nurse. She has the nicest family!

Saturday was a lazy day, and we ended up trying The Vine- a very nice restaurant- with some of our friends. The food was pretty eclectic, and I had the hibiscus enchiladas. Afterwards we went to the rooftop bar and watched people try to dance- it was pretty amusing. On Sunday, Jill joined us for our new favorite activity, watching the Lubbock brass band at Wagner park. It's fun for people watching, and it always feels so nice in the evenings! I don't think I could ever live south of here again.

On Wednesday Drew was in town, so we cooked out, and Zach made the best burger I've had in my life- it was juicy and very flavorful. He's become quite the grilling master! We went bowling after, and Zach bowled the best game of his life! He bowled well over 100!! It was really nice to see Drew, too!!

This weekend was also nice! Our neighbor works in catering at Tech, and he gave us 2 free tickets to the Alan Jackson concert in exchange for taking his dog to potty. Alan puts on a great show! We knew every song, and he still sounds as good as he did 20 years ago. Gloriana opened, and they were really good too!

On Saturday we had dinner with some friends, and I helped out with the cute kids at church.

Today we ran some errands and lounged by the pool. Our good friends Steve and Laura cooked out, so we got a yummy free dinner. We also snagged some good deals at Old Navy! We are now at the park listening to the patriotic concert. God Bless America!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Beans do the Big D

It's been awhile since the last post, so let me update you on some things going on in our world. I recently had something great happen at work---I got a window! Now that may not seem like much to you, but if you look at where I was before, and what my office looks like now, you'll understand. I literally was in an old exam room- pretty depressing- like always waiting on the doctor to come in and tell you what's wrong with you. I now have glorious light! It makes it so much better and cheerier!

A couple of weekends ago Zach and I had a great time volunteering at the Llano winery. They had an annual wine and clay festival, and we enjoyed seeing the sites and meeting some new people. We also had a pizza and game night with Jill and Clayton, which was really fun. I sure will miss them if they ever decide to leave Lubbock.

This past weekend, Zach and I went with Jill and Jan to Dallas. We had a fun road trip and enjoyed pleasant conversation despite the inevitable traffic! We dropped Jan and Jill off in Fort Worth to visit with Jan's parents, and Zach and I headed on to a weekend in Dallas. We stayed at a really nice hotel called the Joule. Zach even got us upgraded to a suite!! That night we ate at Mi Cocina and did a little relaxing by the pool (which juts out over the street!! Apparently it's cool enough for Britney when she comes to Dallas- what what!)

While we were there, we saw some lady acting like she was all that, so we did a little reconnaissance work and determined she was some C-list star from a show on HGTV. See if you know her...she was a weirdo.

The next day we met our friends Rick and Dan for lunch and ate at La Duni. I had been craving their yucca fries, so I was in heaven. They told us all about their Paris trip, so we went to Costco after to look for some noise canceling headphones. No luck. We also went to Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack. We didn't get anything, but it was fun to do some Dallas shopping. We had some more pool time and then went to a burger place for dinner. Mine had goat cheese- who knew I was such a foodie!

On Sunday we went to Zach's grandparents for brunch and had a lovely time. Nancy had a wonderful spread of brunch food for us, and even a nice photo of us from the wedding, which is now on my desk at work! It was so nice to be able to see them!

It was a splendid time!

Monday, June 11, 2012

San Antonio Weekend

I had a great time in San Antonio with my parents. My mom's birthday was on a Monday, so it was nice to be able to spend the weekend with her!

I flew out early Saturday morning, and mom and I headed straight for the San Marcos outlets. Of course we spent a lot of money there, but it was also good quality mom and daughter shopping time. When we got home, we had a fantastic dinner at Stonewerks. There are some SA restaurants I miss and that is definitely one of them! We had some cupcakes at home, and mom opened her gift (a Brighton necklace) from Zach and me.

On Sunday we did a little Target shopping and enjoyed looking at some model homes in my parents' neighborhood. We went to Pappasitos for dinner- another favorite restaurant- and devoured some beef fajitas! I then cleaned out all my childhood possessions and found $29 in a piggy bank and a $10 Starbucks card- I made money in my cleaning!!

I headed back early Monday morning and nearly missed my flight! The security line was outrageous! I was lucky to get on the plane- it was a really long day!!

It sure was a nice weekend! Stay posted soon for updates on this past weekend!!

I better explain a few of the photos. I read a great book on the plane, but it was in large print, so I felt really awkward reading it! The little boy was on my flight, and it was his birthday, so we all sang him happy birthday. He was given a crown of pretzels and peanuts! The large crowd is the security line at the airport-yikes!