Sunday, April 15, 2012

BBQ with the Beans

We've had a busy weekend keeping up with cleaning... I've been bad about keeping it nice lately. If you come by today it will be spotless with organized closets and everything in its place. We'll see how long it lasts...probably a week, maybe two...sigh. How did my mom always do it??

Clayton and Jill had their first experience life experience with us on Saturday. I think they enjoyed it, but it's hard to read excitement on the Beans, so I've become pretty adept at reading their context clues-haha. We then cooked out in our driveway with Zach's new grill, and had a great time catching up. Jill got me some more of my Vera Bradley pattern, so I think I'm set!!

Zach's new mission in life is perfecting the hamburger! I am so glad he found something that brings him such joy. Everyone loved his first take on the perfect patty (my city girl taste thought it was a tad spicy), and it had great flavor!

In other news, I have started doing the Insanity workout. Today was day 1, and I about died. It was only the fit test, and I almost passed out and tossed my cookies about 5 minutes into the 20 minute exercise. I don't know how this is going to go, but I feel great this afternoon. You all need to hold me accountable!! I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Zach and I just hung out at Barnes and Noble this afternoon and relaxed. It was the perfect weekend!!

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