Monday, April 2, 2012

Gardening 101

My parents have true green thumbs. I, on the other hand, was given a gift of a brown thumb. Every plant I've had has died- I forget to water them, I ignore them, I put plants in the sun that should be in the shade, etc.

I remember as a kid, we always had the best yard on the block. Colorful flowers, perfectly pruned bushes, and flower beds of perfectly spaced plants. I remember thinking my parents were crazy for spending their weekends with the plants. Who cares?- I thought as a kid. I just wanted someone to take me shopping for some cool Abercrombie tees, not spend the day with plants- snoozefest.

Well, I admit I was wrong. I have recently realized the joys of gardening. I have made more trips to Lowe's and Home Depot in the last week than I have in my life. I've bought flowers, herbs, and some tomatoes. I even tried growing some flowers from seeds. Much to Zach's and my surprise, we now have seedlings.

I can't guarantee these plants will be alive a year from now, but I owe it to my mom and dad to at least give them a fighting chance. :)

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