Friday, April 6, 2012

Rodeo and Other Ramblings

Last weekend Zach and I went to the Lubbock rodeo. I was really surprised by the event. Zach and I both thought it was going to have a lot more pomp and circumstance, and at the end of the evening, we both agreed that the Waco rodeo was better.

The highlight of the rodeo for me is the kid activities. In one, the kids had to chase calves around the arena to grab a ribbon off their backs to win a prize. It was utter mayhem! I can't believe they let kids do that! My absolute favorite though is the mutton bustin'. For those of you unlucky enough to have never seen this, they put little kids in helmets and stick them on the back of a sheep to hold on for dear life as the sheep races around the arena. Now usually within about 5 seconds, the kid loses their balance, slips to the side of the sheep, and falls off. Well, this time one kid stayed on for over 30 seconds, and a cowboy had to pull him off the sheep! It was the coolest thing! Zach posted a video to fb if you're interested- it was so crazy!!'

This weekend we are spending Easter with Zach's family. I can't wait for all the good food that's to come. It's making me hungry just thinking about it!!

I recently read "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" out of curiosity. Everyone was talking about it after the movie came out, so I had to check it out for myself. I have to honestly say I didn't like it. The writing style and incorporation of graphics and other types of media made reading it very interactive, but I just couldn't get into it. I usually read to escape and put myself in an interesting new situation. This book kind of made me depressed and sad that humanity has lost its hope and faith. I think in the future I will stick to more lighthearted reads.

I do, however, have a positive review of the show Touch. It is incredible and highly recommended. It's about a young boy who finds patterns in life through numbers. He can see how people are connected and who needs to "touch". His dad, Kiefer Sutherland, helps his son in these missions. I loved him in 24, but I think this show is even more captivating.

I guess I've given enough of my opinions for now. Stay tuned for an Easter weekend update! Happy Good Friday everyone!

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